
Today is a GREAT day to give thanks! I’m getting into the Thanksgiving Spirit, praying for all of you, and nurturing a heart of thankfulness.

The Thanksgiving Holiday (in America) has been around since the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln made it a national holiday in 1863, and set its date as the 4th Thursday in November. 

As a History nerd…I find that fascinating. With everything that the country was facing – death, sickness, war, destruction, crises after crises, President Lincoln decided that it was vital for the “spirit of the country” to intentionally take time to pause, reflect, remember everything that we have been blessed with, and give thanks to God. As a follower of Jesus, it makes complete sense. After all, confronting the darkness and challenges of life with a spirit of Thanksgiving has been something God’s people have been doing for thousands of years!

This morning, I’m reading Psalm 107. It’s a beautiful Psalm of thanksgiving, and it touches all aspects of our lives. I KNOW if you read it, you’ll find yourself there too and it will help to nurture a spirit of thanksgiving within you too.

That’s what I want us to understand and embrace today! Thanksgiving, giving thanks, remembering our blessings, and being thankful is perhaps that absolute BEST weapon that we have to battle the Enemy who wants to unleash a culture of division, destruction, fear, and anxiety in our lives.

Psalm 107 lists all the ways, circumstances, and situations that people have struggled or pursued purpose and joy in their life only to be left disappointed. Then, it reminds us that everytime we call out to God for rescue, He shows up and rescues us in powerful and beautiful ways!

It closes with the phrase “those who are wise will take all of this to heart, they will see in our history the faithful love of the LORD.”

That’s my prayer for all of us as we move into the week of Thanksgiving. Take time through the travel, family, relaxing, and eating to cry out to God, remember all of the ways He’s rescued you, and recognize in your own history the faithful love of the LORD. 

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