The Enemy uses this season to open old wounds, and to create new ones.

Praying for each of you this morning as you go through all of the family gatherings and meals this weekend. I was reminded of this last week, but it’s been on my heart a lot this week…these Holidays are tough for many people.
This is the season when many of us are asked to sit at tables with empty chairs where loved ones should be sitting, but they are not. It’s also a season when many of us are asked to gather with biological family members that represent difficult relationships, broken relationships, or abusive relationships.
Along with the joy, food, happiness, thankfulness, football, and celebration; there is SO much pain, regret, shame, fear, and struggle that comes along with the Holiday Season. The Enemy uses this season to open old wounds, and to create new ones.

So, what do we do?

First, we pray for each other! Be aware and be mindful of what our brothers and sisters are going through. Be intentional to check on each other, pray for our Father to grant us strength, comfort, and to be present with us through everything that we face during this season.

Second, we MUST find a way to stay connected to what’s True. The Enemy uses our fear and insecurities to pull us away from the life-giving Truth that Jesus points us towards. The Enemy will make sure that we are busy and chaotic; and that we are feeling overwhelmed with anxiety until we are unable to hear the voice of our Father that tells us “I love you! You are safe! I am with you! You are strong because you are my child, and I am your Father!”.

So, be intentional. Make choices about what you listen to, who you listen to, and what your heart is exposed to. Be intentional about the music you’re listening to, take time to read an uplifting passage from Scripture, and reach out to a safe friend who can encourage you.

Remember…God will never leave you or forsake you. His love for us is bigger and stronger than lies of the Enemy; and even in the midst of chaos there are opportunities to speak for Jesus.

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